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Dad's Favorite Video...Daddy OG
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Your Daughter

One of my fond memories of my Dad is no matter what he was going though, he could always put a smile on your face.  Just days before my father passed, while in the hospital he had many vistors, and his spirit was good joking making everyone laugh.  I could see that my dad was very tired and in pain, but no matter how bad he was feeling, and even how hard it was for him to talk, he made sure you understood what he was trying to say. One of my Dad's nurse came in to check his vitials and he had asked he if she was coming in to dance with him.  She looked puzzled at first  and she asked him, "you want me to dance with you?"  my replied "Yeah!!!  dance with me!  Shake your booty!"  The nurse started to laugh and she actually started shaking her booty! lol!  and while she danced my dad cheered her on.  I miss him so much.


Broken Hearted

It broke our hearts to lose you,

But you did not go alone

For part of us went with you

The day God called you home


My Angel

Those we love don't go away

They walk beside us every day

Unseen, unheard, but always near

Still loved, still missed and very dear


A Poem for my Dad

If Roses grew in Heaven,

Lord please pick a bunch for me

Place them in my father's arms

and tell him they're from me

Tell him I love him and

miss him very much

 And when he turns to smile

Place a kiss upon his cheek

And hold him for awhile

Because remembering him is easy,

I do it every day

But there's an ache within my heart,

Because I am missing him today


Dear Richard:

I miss the fun you always projected, you made an impact. So .......

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you

Today is your birthday

you're in Heaven with the Lord

and it's the perfect place to be.

Happy birthday to you on this the "62nd"

but God has many more for you.

Love, Pichie


My father was very close to his mother Charlotte (Lita).  My grandmother shared many stories of my father.  My father loved my grandmother dearly, and now that he is gone it been very hard for my grandmother.  She catches yourself sometime waiting for him to visit her or call her, as he ofter did.  My grandmother share a prayer that my father has given to her.


A Mother's Day Prayer


"Our Father in Heaven"

Whose life is divine,

Thanks for the love

Of a Mother like mine

And in, Thy Great Mercy

Look down from above

 And grant the dear mother

The give of Your love

And all through the year,

Whatever betide her,

Assure her each day

That You are beside her

And, Father in Heaven,

Show me the way

To Lighten her tasks

 And brighten her day,

And bless her dear heart

With the insight to see

That her love means more

Than the world to me

One of my fond memories about my Dad is when he came to visit me and my family.  We all went to dinner and while having dinner My eldest son Chango was talking about track and telling his Tata how fast he can run.  Well......being the person my Dad was. LOL!  My Dad was kind of a bragger in a good way of course.  Always craking jokes.  He told his grandson that he bet he could run faster then him.  Of course my son, taking after his Tata took on the bet.  After we exited the resturant my Dad and my Son waited at the cross walk for the light to turn green.  Once it turned green they were off!!!!  Racing across the street down the sidewalk their were at neck to neck my Dad being in his fifties kept up with his fifteen year old grandson.  Then all of a sudden you see my Dad flying and then slamming into the sidewalk.  My son yelled "Tata!!! are you okay!!!"  We all ran over to my Dad and there he was lying on the sidewalk laughing, laughing so bad he could'nt speak.  We all laughed so hard,  thinking back on how he looked.  He looked like a cartoon flying in air.   When he got up he noticed that his dickie pants were torn and his stacy adams were marked up...  Then he got this serious look on his face and told Chango "Damm Chango why did you have to push me?  You can't be a sore looser."  We all starting laughing. Of course we all knew that Chango didn't push, he slipped, can't run when you have stacy's on.  My son told his Tata, "Okay Tata you win".   I missed my Dad so much. 
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